Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Blast from the Past

People say we can learn a lot from the past.  I can almost guarantee that if a history teacher asks why history is important to his or her class, a student will raise their hand and say,
"I got my hands up, they're playing my song, the butterflies fly away, noddin' my head like yeah, movin my hips like yeah."  And then they'll say, "so history doesn't repeat itself."

I bring this to your attention to bring you on a magical journey.  Better than both Wishbone and the Magic School Bus combined.  Take ahold of my cyber hand and come with me to the past; to my favorite section of the UNC website: Then and Now.  <-- Click on that link!

The first set of photo's compares a soriority event from 1907 to one in 2011.  The one from 1907 is so thought provoking.  I wonder what the woman in the top left of the picture was thinking.  Her name was most likely Mildred.  I bet she's thinking about the strapping young lad driving the horse drawn buggy.  His name was probably Deshawn.  I wonder why he has a fishing rod... 

Then my attention is drawn to the next picture... The Office of the President circa 1920's.  I think about the woman in the wire brim glasses in the corner.  I wonder if she ever imagines going to the location in the picture to her right.  What is that mystical, far off place... Sri Lanka? Narnia?  Detroit?  Is that man in the picture an ancestor of Vanilla Ice? 

Lastly, I contemplate the picture of the summer grounds crew of 1912...
Is the man 3rd from the left intentionally cross-eyed?  Why do so many of these men have mustaches?  Did they serve some sort of purpose lost to the yesteryear?  Was the man holding the hoe in the middle of the photo one of the first rastafarians?  We can only speculate...

Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this quick glimpse to the good old days of UNC, or should I say... The State Normal School?

It's time to make your own history! 



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